Well, my best friend Carmen came up today, unfortunately, we only got to spend a few hours together. She brought us some Georgia peaches, fresh eggs from her farm and vegetables. Her Hubby got done too early at the doctors and she had to drive back and get him. But I was able to see her new witch dolls in person. They look great, so if you are looking for witches check out her site at http://www.littlecountryblessings.com/ She has a big witch vaccum cover, bagcover and witch doll. I took a few pictures of her with the dolls. We did manage to get to good will, she found some goodies, but I didn't find a thing.
We exchanged some patterns and got caught up on things. We don't get see each other very often, so it is always great getting together. When our daughters were younger, Carmen and her daughter used to come up and spend about a week at a time with us. The girls would play and complain about being dragged to all the fabric stores and such. Sure miss those times.
We hope to get together again soon, and start our candle making, sewing projects and just getting ready for our shows and compare notes.
Don't forget, you still have time to enter my giveaway in the previous posts.
I tried to post a comment several times but it isn't posting!! I can't seem to do anything with this blog!!LOL!!! Anyway.. let's try this once more and see. yes it was great getting together.. thanks so much for all the goodies and yes I sure do miss those days gone by when the girls were our little babies and played together! Chat later, meeeeee2!
Hey I just ordered some patterns from her. I just love her patterns. I'm here in Colorado and haven't been able to get started on the patterns. Hope when I get home after 2 weeks here in Colorda that I can get started. I have a craft show in October that I want to make the patterns up for.l I just love your patterns. I want to buy the new Santa pattern but have not found it listed on your web site. Let me know when it is please. Pat Vinson http://chattypatsgatehouseprimitives.blogspot.com/
I am 54 years old. Been married to my husband Todd for over 20 years now. I have one daughter, Samantha, who is 20 years old. She is currently working at Chrysler/dodge dealership, and going part time to college. She is my only child. I have 2 websites , You are Special Patterns and The Olde Country Cupboard. I love primitives.
dead blog
Blowing off the dust in here! Its been a long long while since my last
What's new? Here are a few photo's from the last couple of months. OH and ...
~ simple embroidery ~
Good Morning Friends & Folk...
and a very happy Tuesday to us all.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
we are awaiting yet another snowfall.
with predictions anywhere fr...
Spring Cabbage Bunny
Hello! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m so looking forward to Spring! We are currently covered in about 6” of
snow and extreme cold!
I’ve been busy creatin...
More concert black and drafting updates
Happy new year, everyone!
I don't know about other people, but I don't always start my new year on a
high. Sometimes yes, but not always. Sometimes the we...
Happy New Year! 2025!!!
I have been very bad with posting lately. But I thought I would post
something with maybe some goals for the new year. I already finished an
old UFO. ...
⭐ Fender 72 Telecaster Deluxe Wiring Diagram ⭐
* Fender 72 Telecaster Deluxe Wiring Diagram *. The Single Best Strategy
To Use For wiring schematic They can’t keep up with it. You almost
certainly ...
* It's been an extremely crazy year in 2023. Lots of good and some not so
good things have happened, but we've made it through. *
* I've slowed down a ...
~ Be the Light~
*Now is the time to stand in your truth and be the light!*
*You don't have to comply with group thinking or mass*
*hysteria. They are old traps to trigge...
I'm working on many different things....
I've had people ask me why I jump from one thing to another all the
time....Well, the answer is simple...
I have ADHD ...I get bored with things so easil...
~Etsy Fall Update~
Hello, Friends!!
I hope all of you are enjoying some beautiful fall weather right now!!!
Here in AZ we are STILL dealing with the heat, but it is S L O W...
Hat Coloring Pages Printable
Easter Hat Coloring Pages Coloring Pages To Print Coloring Pages Free
Coloring Pages
Full Page Image With Words Winter Hat Craft Winter Crafts Winter ...
another little peek......
sometimes......... things just take a lot of thinking & planning....... you
know....the kind that just rolls over & over in your mind & keeps yo...
I'm working on this cute raggedy doll for St. Patrick's Day. I started
sewing her at home and then it was time to go to my middle daughter's home
to take ...
Happy Valentines Day!
Hello friends!
Just stopping by quickly with a reminder that it’s that time again!
Ever since I was little, we have cut forsythia to force it to bloom i...
Creatures for Valentine's Day
These are Chestnut Junction patterns. Valentine's here and now to St.
Hoping you are enjoying your Thursday. Snowing in Michigan, just a tad
58 Punch Needle Kits available in my Etsy Shop!
Stop by my Etsy shop and check out all the kits ready to ship to you!
My kits include Valdani Three Strand Floss and #8 Pearl Cotton when needed,
the weav...
Dream Big...
little Mermaid
Dream BIG!
I'm starting 2020 in the studio working on
Santa orders, *a new website for Grimitives...*
thinking Spring with bunnies
This next little lady is my interpretation of some of my favorite early peg
wooden dolls. I just love their primitive loveliness, quaint and charm.
Click h...
Christmas Past!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.
We had a wonderful one here at the Martinsen's - a house full of 16 of us!
The dinner table was out to the longe...
Midnight Ride Rug Hooking Pattern
Happy November first everyone! I'm still running on a sugar high, but I
feel the crash heading my way, so I'll make this fast. I've just added
The Mystery Child
In my family tree, there runs a line of romantic, volatile Spanish blood.
No one knows where she came from, but the repercussions of her long ago
arrival a...
*Searching For Inspiration*
*Last night I visited some old crafting friends. I found them online at
Facebook and had wondered what they were doing these da...
Christmas Mittens
Three dark red mini mittens made of dark red felt and coffee dyed warm and
natural- 4" tall including greenery.
10.00/set of three plus 6.95 shipping
All sa...
Nisn Sman 1 Pandeglang
Bila Anda mencari *nisn sman 1 pandeglang* anda datang ketempat yang tepat.
kami mempunyai 27 gambar tentang nisn sman 1 pandeglang termasuk gambar,
~*New News!~
Hello Dear Friends!
Have you received your new copy of Wool Works Magazine? It is out!
~*Willa Witch*~ is the pattern I created for this Fall Issue. I...
Life changes
Life changes,sometimes in a flash. Then we have to decide what to do with
it! Do we roll with the punches and make the best of the situation, or do
we run...
We have this awesome Early Croquet set for sale in our booth. It is a
complete set of four mallets and balls. The box is in very good condition
(not perf...
Walker Homestead...Our Next Show
I've been stitching up a bunch of new creations for this show. I hope
you'll come and visit :-)
Walker Homestead Spring 2019 Antiques and Primitives Show
New Handmade Products Available Now~
Handmade Grain Sack Shower Curtains
these are OOAK and available to purchase on my website
Has Anyone Seen Spring?
Spring is the season that is supposed to give us warm days, sunshine and an
abundance of ambition that we most times lack during the long never-ending
Amy is looking for a home.
Early Work Mercantile
opened last night.
There are still wonderful pieces that I have available.
This is Amy.
She is name...
I've been meaning to tend to my blog but it seems there's never enough
time. Today with all of the Facebook issues, I realize I need to do this
sooner than...
New Pieces Being Added to the Shop
*"The Season of the Mouse" *
It's the beginning of that special season where people seem to get a bit
nicer and red and green saturate the scenery, it's Ch...
In an earlier post I said I was making a set of reindeer. An hour after I
listed them in my Etsy shop they sold! Now that's what I like!!
I just listed ...
Bittersweet and Pumpkin Pillow
I hooked this pillow last Fall, pattern is by Grant Street Woolworks.
It was originally a pocket to hang but I added a bit more around the design
and turne...
Jerusha Bumpus 1827 Historical Reproduction Sampler
It was wonderful
to create this from a sampler my 5th great grandmother actually stitched.I
do not know how old she was when she started it but she was 81 ...
Zinc Lid Ornie Graphics
Hi y'all! Got the graphics finished for the zinc lid ornies! 😄 There are
five sets to choose from, all sets have same farm animals but different
Custom Work List
Just a quick note to let you know that I am starting a Custom Work Request
*Serious Inquiries only please*
Hope I am not getting myself into troubl...
Farm Chicks and Quilts
What a wonderful quilt Geni made! I asked some of the gals to help with
some samples and look at this wonderful Farm Chick quilt Geni stitched up.
Wow! Has It Really Been Three Years!!?
Hello Everyone!
I am sitting here in disbelief that it has been over three years since my
last post. It honestly doesn't feel like that long.
So much...
Happy 2018!!!
Here we are in another year already!! I am really going to try and keep
my blog updated better this year!! LOL one of my new years resolutions!!
So lif...
Canterbury Shaker Village NH
On Oct 13 we were able to visit an original Shaker Village near Canterbury
It was a beautiful fall day so it was lovely to wander around the various ...
Wow...I haven't posted on this blog in such a long time....I thought I
would share my Fall/Halloween rugs with you all...
They're all listed in my Etsy Sho...
*Hello out there! Please bear with Paula and I as we try to get our blog up
and running again! We have missed a lot of our old friends since we have
been g...
It's the little things in life
Every time I walk in the back yard or look out my kitchen window and see
this little sunflower it makes me smile... It bloomed just in time for my
Old Farmhouse Roast Beef in the Crockpot
1 Beef Roast
1 pkg. Brown Gravy Mix
1 pkg. Italian Salad Dressing Mix
1 pkg. Ranch Dip Mix
Combine mixes in a bowl for good distribution of flavors.
Bird, Bee and Beeskep
Bird Bee and the Beeskep
This needlepunch was designed by me on weavers cloth with Valdani threads,
then coffee dyed. I attached it to a handmade black d...
For my Country girl in the city.
Its winter and fairly regularly on the weekend we are out and about
getting wood to keep the woodshed filled. I always take my camera with me,
then in the...
New Etsy Listings......
*Happy Monday!! It sure is going to be a hot one today. I just love the
warmer weather and the sunshine!! I just wanted to let you know that I will
be lis...
New collection of tattered overalls for blythe
Pretty in Pink tattered overalls including pink hat sitting with a vintage
style pink teddy bear.
Some of my new collection of tattered overalls. I am to...
Chalk Paint Project
I've been away from blogging for years, I haven't sewn in quite some time,
we've been busy updating the house and doing *a lot* of painting. I'll post
Christmas 2016...
Better late than never! My Christmas eve post was a mess, I was trying to
do it from my phone and nothing was going right and I was just trying to
get som...
Tis the Season
Well, tis the season, and we have been busy over here at Harvest House!!!
In fact, today, we are in two places at once!!
We are at Kenron Estates:
Just wanted to drop in to wish you all a Happy Halloween! Just
sharing a few past Halloween creations with you! Enjoy your night and be
Past Due Post ...
Back about 4 months ago I decided I wanted to have chickens again, now that
I am not working any longer (yay) I am able to take care of them better.
~ Autumn 2016 Decorating ~
Greetings friends! I hope all is well with you and yours. This post
brings you a few pictures of this year's fall decorating. It's always an
exciting ti...
New Halloween items in my Etsy shop.
I have been trying some new design elements with my Halloween cuties.
Let me know what you think. These are listed in my Etsy shop. Just
Summer Hours
Through the summer (July and August) the Farmhouse will be closed on
Sunday. We will be open our normal hours on Saturday 11:00-5:00, hope to
see you then!
Happy Summer!!!
Below, is from MarthaStewart.com. She gives the instructions on her
website under 'Holidays' if I remember right.
I'm not sure why, but ever since I can re...
SOME PICS OF THE SHOP.............
in Benton, PA.
Better grab some coffee....this is picture overload.
The herb wall.....about 175 jars of wild-crafted medicinal herbs.
I use these to make m...
Spring Market Brings Fall Goodies
It must be strange for people who are new to quilting to see Fall patterns
and kits showing up as soon as Spring market is over, but Spring Market is
Bye Dolly
God saw you getting tired
and a cure was not to be
so he put his arms around you
and whispered "Come to Me"
With tearful eyes we watched you,
we saw you fa...
Happy May!
[image: Image result for May]
I absolutely love Spring! I love the yard sales, festivals, flea markets,
flowers, and just being outside in general! I love ...
The camper has been sold!
The camper has been sold and will be spending it's retirement years in
I will miss this little camper, but I must say that I'm glad my work is
Easter Just Around the "Bunny Trail" Corner!
The bunny trail is so short this year! Just 18 days until Easter. TEN
days after St. Patrick's Day! So, if you decorate for both, not much time
to ta...
Where has the time gone?
It's been almost 2 years to the day that I last posted. I just don't know
where the time has gone and why I haven't kept up on my blog or why I
I currently have a boy bunny with his crow and carrots listed on Ebay. The
auction will last until Sunday evening. Hope you can take a peek at him.
My pla...
A New Year...
October 26, 2014... That was the last day that I had posted here on my
blog. Crazy right? So I am curious... if I were to start blogging again,
whether it ...
The Wave (2015)
Free Streaming The Wave in Top QualityNow you can watch full The Wave in
best look with duration 104 Min and was published in 2015-08-28 with MPAA
rating ...
Long time to hear!
Well, it's been forever and a day since I posted. I have been super busy
opening up the new shop in beautiful downtown historic Fayetteville and
then getti...
Cara Aborsi Dengan Nanas Muda
Cara menggugurkan kehamilan dengan buah-buahan contohnya dengan buah nanas
yang masih muda, para remaja yang mengalami masalah ini takut di asingkan
dan di...
[image: 11058749_1109326232428471_4724200967940884636_n[1]]
Jan may seem far away but as fast as time can fly it’s actually around the
corner, time to sto...
Pictures of our vacation to Alaska
North Pole Alaska
Santa was a little jealous of my husband's white
beard...his was a mixture of gray/light brown....
*Another reminder, I changed my business name to Holly Ridge Folk Art and
now have a new blog, Holly Ridge Folk Art. *
*I don't want to lose any of my foll...
Does Anyone Remember?
Here it has been over 3 years since I have printed words on this blog.
Where has the time gone?
So many things have changed since my last entry.
I now have ...
Crocketts Country Store Continues On
For those of you unaware, Betty Jane Crockett passed away last month. Her
life was Crocketts Country Store, helping people with all their decorating
Resep dan Bumbu Iga Konro Bakar Lezat
Suda dari dulu negara tercinta kita memiliki warisan-warisan berharga.
Kreasi resep inipun bisa kita jadikan sebagai warisan berharga kelak,
melanjutkan wa...
~Home of the Free~
*Memorial Day - *
*not just a day off!*
*Monday is a day to pay tribute*
*to those who died fighting*
*for the peace and freedom*
*we enjoy today.*
Brand New Designs by Folk Art From The Harbor
.007 mil Transparent Blue mylar reusable stencils
Find these and THOUSANDS more
on my website at
Been a long time
Sorry it's been so long...I just can't seem to catch up. These are the 3
dolls that are in the newest issue of Prims. Humpty Dumpty and the rabbit
were cre...
It's a bright beautiful day today on Earth Day and as promised, I took some
pictures of my backyard garden today. We used vintage windows that had
been r...
Hey! I am still kicking and thought about you all in blog land!
I hope this finds you all in good health.
I know a lot of us got over on fb and that...
I hooked this rug from a needle punch pattern by Goos Nest
It's approx. 16" X 20 1/2". Great on a table,hanging on the wall or an old
cupboard. I have an a...
Two New Finishes!
I recently purchased a little antique stool from a favorite antique shop.
I LOVE the little cubby shelf open on one side only! I knew right away
that ...
Counting Down!!!!!!
Hi Everyone.
Hope your staying warm. LOL It's -14 degrees here today. Burr.
Oh well! Have a lot to tell you.
First: Person - On Monday Feb. 23 I will be goi...
Closed due to Ice!
The shop will be closed, due to an icy and dangerous parking lot, until
Sunday, when temperatures are supposed to be up in the 60's.
Stay safe and warm!
Easter Thyme giveaway...
Hello everyone,
I will be having a Easter Thyme giveaway sometime in the beginning of March
with some of my Handmade wares I have created for Easter..
This ...
Be sure to check out our new website designed by our blogging buddy Janet
McClure. She does fabulous work! If you need graphic work done, be sure to
hire ...
And one more thing.... I made a pattern!!! 1st one in years! So I was rusty
at it and it took me probably a week to get it done! Had to uninstall
programs ...
fireplace for the fairy house
No work today so I played around with my fairy village project. I made this
fireplace to go in one of my fairy houses. It's just made with a chunk of
Hello Strangers!!
Hello blog world!! It's been almost four years since I have posted on here,
I really need to redo my page. How has everyone been?? I will have to visit
What I Love About Winter
We got the first snowfall of Winter, 2014 and my nephew captured a photo
of Sully taking a break from playing in the snow. I found this poem and
knew it ...
Following are my offerings.....if you should find something "needful"
please email me at grams1garden@y...
Scarecrows, Snowmen and Santas
A few dolls available in my etsy
shop, https://www.etsy.com/shop/YankeeRidgePrimitive?section_id=10875284&ref=shopsection_leftnav_2
The scarecrows hav...
Join Me on Facebook
Haven't had time to paint, blog, facebook and keep up my website. Lately,
it has just been easier to post on Facebook. If you are interested in
seeing w...
It's The Season of Pumpkin!!
October begins the season of *"Everything Pumpkin"*!!
My favorite Pumpkin "something", is of course, Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice
Latte!! But unfortunatel...
Things That Go Bump in the Night
It's that time of year once again! Time for my "Things That Go Bump in the
Night" online sale! Wednesday, Sept. 10th at 9pm (Eastern) 6pm
(California). T...
Christmas In July at "Painting With Friends!"
Check out the "Painting With Friends" site! Great SALE going on in July!
Painting With Friends
Tons of wonderful designs to choose from!
Time to get painti...
New Items In My Etsy Store!
WOW!I cannot believe how long it has been since I have posted here!I just
wanted to share some of the new things that I have listed in my Etsy
store.You ca...
27 months with Lilly
Lilly left us on 5-31, 2014. She had a really bad night, by morning the
pain was too much for Lilly so we took her to have her laid to rest. No
matter how...
I want to invite everyone to check out my sister
Kara's new location for Simplify in Mapleton, MN.
She has many wonderful Spring items to offer, and so muc...
~Tis some Fresh Beginnings!~
This is a real short post, but just wanted to ask a question....... What do
a center chimney, a cute playhouse, a white vinyl picket fenced garden
we all have 'that corner' in our home decor
the corner that looks bare, yet we can't find
anything that works
without making it look 'junked up'
well, *we'...
Update On Tinted Mason Jars.
Remember these?
I have been asked lots of questions about how they turned out using the
glass paint with no medium. AND if they can hold water withou...
Valentine Cross Stitch Designs
Hello! I'm so happy to share my thoughts with you this morning.
Here are patterns from last year that I'm re-posting for creating Valentine
cross stitch pr...
Pallet Shelf
I love this pallet shelf. Saw it on Pinterest and made this one and a red
one. This one is sold , red one still available in my booth. It would be
Back in the saddle again
Finally getting back to painting. I dusted off the paints and paint
brushes. And I am trying to dust off my painting skills. I think I have a
lot of...
Valentine's Day Project Ideas
Do you decorate for Valentine's Day? I have been blessed with past guest
bloggers sharing their Valentine's Day projects here at ATWK. Hope one of
them ins...
Since 2011...REALLY?
Like Ricky would say to Lucy....you got some "splainin" to do! I cannot
believe it has been this long since I blogged!! So, I will briefly fill you
in on w...
My latest creation "Ms. Valentine"
I have been keeping busy with my doll making and feel in a creative mood so
have to keep at it while I feel up to it. There is the artist in my soul
that ...
Christmas Day 2013
My grand babies, Dustin and Brianna Nicole with Miley...sitting in Santa's
lap, an old handmade Santa I purchased from The Olde Green Cupboard shop,
one ...
Christmas Swap
Hi everyone,
I am sorry it has been so long since I made a post.I have been really
busy with orders and trying to get ready for Christmas.I finally fin...
Dear Santa
This girl is wishing for a new wood burning stove for Christmas. It's kind
of hard to miss this big hole in the wall. Off to try to make it a little
Mesh & Tulle Wreath Tutorial
I'm not a wreath lover. Seeing all the ones made from tulle, burlap,
ribbons, and mesh made me think I kinda like those. I really wanted
something to go...
Online Craft Show -TODAY!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Are you staying in your nice warm home and eating leftovers right now?
Don't worry, you are not missing the Black Friday sales. Toda...
Until Further Notice.
I will be back but it will be quite some time yet.
Thank you to all for hanging in there!
Your continued support helps uplift me
and f...
Exciting things in the works!!
Well it's been a long time since I posted anything.
I'm still racing and I finished 6th in points for the 2013 season... not a
bad finish.
I plan on racin...
Oh my gosh...it has been over a year.....
Hello to all of you ! You may have noticed I have given up my prim
creating...I am now working in the real world , have moved, and lost the
30 pounds I...
Excuse Me While I Fly Around!
*Kitchen* *Witch*
It's been too long since I have traveled in Blogland. It is looking a
lot like Halloween the past few months at Butternut Creek Folk A...
Wooden Folk Art Penny Coasters
Made by me. I just love penny rugs and thought I'd paint them on wooden
coasters. I made them to resemble "candy corn", "Americana", "Halloween"
and "Autum...
Garden Seating Area Ideas
Making the Most of Your Garden with Summer Garden Seating « Home ...Making
the Most of Your Garden with Summer Garden Seating « HomeOur Life in Idaho:
I'm Moving My Blog
Effective today, June 27th 2012, I am moving my blog to a new location and
If you are a follower, please click on my link below to slide on over to ...
Changes can be a good thing!!
*Well HELLO everyone!! I've been gone for a while again, but doing good
things for me and my family. School got out in May and I ended the year
with a p...
Another great giveaway from Graco
Come sign up for a great giveaway
Cruising, Crocheting and Dollmaking
Our long awaited Transatlantic Cruise aboard Royal Caribbean's Vision of
the Seas this month took us to some amazing locations. Some of our
excursions to...
Quilt made by Carla!
Here I was, complaining and look what it led me to! An old friend of mind,
Carla's blog!
Dancing Moon Blog She recently made this fun and whimsical ...
I am still sewing, but not getting as much done as I would like to. I have
a new little Annie doll that I finished up a little while ago. I call her
TDIPT Mercantile will be closing its doors at the end of April. It was a
difficult decision for us to make, bu...
Spring has Sprung!
Finally we are starting to see some springlike weather. It's still
cool....but no rain and no snow and temperature above 50....I'll take it!!
Going into ...
Jenis Dan Anatomi Buah Kakao
Jenis Dan Anatomi Buah Kakao
Secara umum jenis kakao terbagi menjadi 3 jenis, yaitu *Criollo* atau yang
dikenal sebagai kakao mulia,* Forastero* dan *Trin...
Simple Winter Twig Wreath
After all the Christmas decorations have been tucked away, I am trying to
decide on what to do for some Winter touches around the house. I put all my
Merry Little Junky Tree
This was so unique that I just had to share! This is a true 'junkers'
Christmas! Enjoy! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
Farmhouse Christmas Update ~
Welcome Friends ~
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!
Here are a few, one of a kind offerings by me ~
If you'd like to make a purchase,
you may ema...
Christmas Craft Show
I know I have been MIA for a very long time......so much has happened since
my last post I would not even know where to start. Soooooo, I will start
This one's for me!
*It's been a while since I've posted. I have been very busy crafting. My
sales are growing each year. That's a good thing! I rarely keep anything
Wow....it's been a while......
I know, I know..........it's been F-O-R-E-V-E-R since my last post!!!! I
really didn't mean to be gone for so long, but I had to step back and
Relationship Predictions
A adequately accepted seek engine concern is accord predictions.
Presumably, anyone allurement that statement, is analytic for analytic
account sites. A...
Santa Claus is coming......
I've not stopped creating......
I promise. I will be offering a few holiday treasures in the coming weeks.
Thank you for your patience and interest.
O Christmas Tree....
So to take my brain and emotions off all things political for the
moment.....I've been hunting down some of my favorite Christmas tree items
on Etsy and ma...
Hi there my prim friends, just wanted to say that whether you are a
Democrat or a Republican, please remember to go to the polls today and
vote...We are so...
Important before shopping for insurance
Sometimes the longer term appears thus dark in order that you can not
predict what before of you may be. even supposing the longer term remains
an issue, ...
Cool Morning
The weather sure has changed this last week. These cooler temps sure have
put me in the mood for the upcoming holidays. I have been busy designing
and st...
Got some creating time in.......
It felt good to get some new black dolls added to my ebay today. Just got
them listed and now feel like I can relax a bit. Here`s a peek at them.
My daught...
It's been awhile...it's been a bad month!!
Hi everyone! So sorry it has been so long. I have no excuses for not
posting in August but as some of you know if you follow me on facebook, I
lost my moth...
Miss you!
I have been a complete slacker when it comes to updating my blog. I've
been in a dollmaking slump and keep saying to myself "I will write when I
have some...
I love Wednesday's & random thoughts
When I first decided to start a blog my plan was for it to be about
country & primitive decorating & redoing thrift store treasures. But two
Just popping in to say hi, I know it's been a long time since I posted. We
had our 2nd Year Anniversary at the store a few weekends ago and it was a
Long time no see. Well I'm going to remedy that. I have been working on
crafts and I started back to the pool. I also having to go to therpy for
my back...
Two common types of life insurance
Making a good plan for your life is very essential. If you do
not make any plan for your life, there will be uncontrollable things that
you mig...
I just received my Molly doll(about an hour ago) and am so thrilled with
her that I haven't even removed her from the box. She is by far the most
Nude Wedges
It is said that fashion is complex. The level of simplicity and intricacy
largely depends on your own personal choice. There are people who pr...
New New New and Patriotic Too
*RED ISN'T JUST FOR CHRISTMAS ANYMORE.......* ***That's right. Red....*
*It's the color of LOVE..... It's American ... one of the colors in our
flag Ge...
Memorial Day 2012
As we begin what for many is a long holiday weekend, please take a moment
to remember those that have served our country, and given the ultimate
Happy Easter!!
Good Morning Blog Friends!! Remember me? Been a rough ride with this
shoulder business. About got me down...and that takes a lot but this has
gone on for...
Hello, it's me...
It's March, almost April, 2012. Terrible how fast time has flown. I lost my
wonderful job in January. The company was going a different direction...yah
Pinterest Addiction
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm addicted to Pinterest. I have 66
boards with over 3,500 pins! OMG! I really love it. I have a huge craft
show that I ...
Well Hello All, its been so crazy around here and that's why I had to take
a break from blogging! I had birthday parties and vacation with hubby and
Maruti Ertiga MPV
Maruti Ertiga has been introduced to the automobile world in the recent
Auto Expo that was organized in New Delhi this year. Maruti Ertiga is a
My Hubby Has An Addiction!!
. . . . . .to candles that is!!
Whenever we go to a prim shop, he's always heading over to the candle
section and picking them up to smell. (Yes, ladies, ...
New mini signs
Good Morning everyone!
It's been awhile since I have updated but I have been so busy with starting
a new venture called "Personally Yours". I will be addi...
My Rustic Valentine
Enjoy this collection of rustic Valentine's Day treats from the talented
artisans of the Where Rustics Reign Team on Etsy.
Deb Riddell ~ Paxton Valley Fol...
Two More Sleeps!
Its almost moving day! I am going crazy trying to organize and
pack.....this is hard when I can only take so much and I want to take
everything! I hope you...
A Wonderful and Talented Person
Hello to all of my mothers followers.It saddens me to say that we lost my
mother Janice Saturday January 21,2012...It was so sudden and has left us
in des...
Grab A Cup Of Coffee And Enjoy!
If you haven't check out this great group of crafters....make sure you do.
So many wonderful creative artist there.
You will truly enjoy yourself!
Have A ...
I have to say that even though my kids are grown and have started their own
lives, I find myself still very proud of the achievements and happenings in
WiSHiNG a HAppY NeW YeAr!
It truley has been too long...
I can't believe I have been gone for so many months.
Mind you, so much has been going on, leaving very little time for myself....
Small Annies
Little Red Annie #2
Approx 17" tall...has her dress trimmed with vintage red rik-rak and lace.
Price $28
Small rag doll....approx 13" tall...Price $22
Craft show!
Hi all...
Just wanted to share with you that I registered my business name in the
summer. I didn't blog about it because I was working on how I was going ...
NEW Christmas Cards!
Dan and I are pleased to announce that our new Christmas cards are now
These cards are simply primitive & folky! The front is an original...
Prim Pals Shoppe!
Here is some more wonderful offering's from our talented members!
We've Moved!
Greetings, some of you may have noticed that our store name is Farmer's
Country Store but our blog name started with famers, an easy typo to make!
We have ...
Hope to be back pretty soon!
Hi, I know I've been lost! I have been working on other projects I have
online. Now I have the extra time to work on my dollies, who are begging me
to crea...
OH My Goodness where has Sandi Been?
Hello everyone no I did not dissapear into thin air but I have gone thru
some fun medical stuff and my oldest daughter Keelee (my artist and rosary
maker) ...
Friday's Fires in Florida
*We are still on Fire here in North Florida, but from what I've
heard.....most of Florida is on Fire somewhere. Also, Georgia is on fire at
the Florida/Geo...
SAD NEWS.....................
Due to some bad luck I will not be teaching at the Artful Gathering.
PLEASE do not pre-register for my class! If you know of anyone that has
registered or...
The blog has moved
* Dear blog followers, I now have 2 blogs going at once, I won't be using
this one as often, because it has been hacked into a few times.*
* I can see by my...
A Super Giveaway!!!!!!
From A Primitive Place!!!!!
In order to celebrate having met and passed the 700 mark in followers,
Tammy is having a great GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!!
For details plea...
Tart Making
I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted on this site. I
have had several email about making tarts, this is how I do it.
First I take about...
April Showers
Bring May flowers and a Robin or two! Announcing my new pattern. A sweet
and somewhat realistic Robin.
Up for your consideration is a Primitive Battery Operated Clover
Candle...It takes 3AAA Batteries (NOT INCLUDED). I hand rolled this candle
in Green wax......
"Change Your Seat"
"Change Your Seat" ~~ Gary Trabucco ~~
The American Heritage Shop
This is the Season where we spend lots of time in our homes.
We here in the North Eas...
Gina over at http://www.theshabbychiccottage.net/is having a wonderful
giveaway! I just stumbled upon her blog last week and hope that one day I
can muste...
Good Sunday Mornin'
Hi Y'all ! I sure hope this post finds Y'all in GREAT spirits !
This is going to be a very busy busy day for me....And what better way to
start it off than ...
Old Santa & Gingers
Old Santa measures 10"tall
Made from a Jackie Schmidt pattern
$15 plus shipping Also made from a Jackie Schmidt pattern are these Set of
3 Gingers...
Christmas Sale at Woodshop Shanty!!!!
Carol is having a sale at http://www.etsy.com/shop/firecrackerkid
SO my suggestion is to get on over there now an get some wonderful present
for your f...
Business Promotion vs Spamming
I often wonder where the fine line between business promotion and spamming
is drawn on the various social networking medias? On Facebook I will see
It's Been Awhile...
I have been a slacker on my blog. I suppose the entire reason in the
beginning was to promote my crafts and then it became somewhat of a journal
About us
We accept sponsored advertising, paid post and sponsored links on this blog.
We write genuine paid and free reviews that are true to our knowledge.
Even t...
Fall Door Charmer Pumpkins!!!
I just finished up this great 3 ft tall pumpkin. He is slender and has a
grapevine wreath with pip berries and a tag. Great for doors, porches,
Hello, it's me!
Happy Sunday to ya!
I've been horrible with blogging lately. With the new kitty and work and
stuff goin' on... I just haven't had the time. Or, MADE the t...
Waterbed Update
I told my husband all I wanted for mothers day was a half whiskey barrel
for my pond.....I am such a simple girl! (Being the sweetie of a husband he
is , h...
Garden rewards
Although I have taken on a full time job...........which I
love...............and by the end of my shift I have found myself exhausted
at times...............
my living room redo
I finally got a new look in my living room. I had a gigantic entertainment
center that I had lvoed and adored when we purchased it. It was oak. We
Hey, it's meeeeee!
~*~ I started typing this on Tuesday, March 2. (not sure what date is
listed above) I had a problem with the computer and lost everything that I
had writt...
An Etsy Treasury!!!!
The Etsy shop, aprimitivedeason, was kind enough to add me into her
treasury on Etsy.
Wanted to share with you her wonderful selctions from Etsy.
Please t...
Poinsettia Penny Woolie Table Topper
*This table topper is made of wool felt fabric. The pattern can be found in
Thimbleberries Four Seasons of Calendar Table Toppers.*
OOops! I forgot the Freckles on Freckles...LOL!
These are the new darlin's that I did as a custom order for a dear sweet
lady in Canada. I don't usually do them with brown eyes....but I think th...
Happy Monday!
Hello...it has been a long time since I have posted, but I have been super
busy doing craft shows! I have another one on the 17th and 18th of this
month. I...
Looking for candles!
Autumn is quickly approaching and it's my favorite time of year, especially
for burning fall candles :) My latest client, Sherry, owner of "Charm City
New FREE Stitchery Pattern added
I added a new primitive stitchery pattern today to the Cotton Picken Prims
website. It's called Primitive Cupboard and can be found on page 4 of the
A day late but still wanted to say that I hope you all had a blessed
Easter! We had a wonderful church service then it was a day of going from
one family t...
I tried to post a comment several times but it isn't posting!! I can't seem to do anything with this blog!!LOL!!! Anyway.. let's try this once more and see. yes it was great getting together.. thanks so much for all the goodies and yes I sure do miss those days gone by when the girls were our little babies and played together! Chat later, meeeeee2!
ReplyDeleteHey I just ordered some patterns from her. I just love her patterns. I'm here in Colorado and haven't been able to get started on the patterns. Hope when I get home after 2 weeks here in Colorda that I can get started. I have a craft show in October that I want to make the patterns up for.l I just love your patterns. I want to buy the new Santa pattern but have not found it listed on your web site. Let me know when it is please.
ReplyDeletePat Vinson