Thursday, October 13, 2011

Much needed help from Sheila

WE have been busy, washing the table linens from the wedding and watching Samantha's dogs. I am ready for her to be home and the grand dogs to go home. I love the dogs but they miss her and are wanting a lot of attention. so we have definitely been having lots of walks this week. My poor cat won't come into the house with them here. As soon as they hear the cat door start to open, they charge and chase him out of the yard.
I want to thank everyone for their nice comments on the wedding pictures. She will sharing some more pics of the wedding and honeymoon on her blog when she gets back.

As most of you know, I have just a few days until my first show, and I am so not ready. But thankfully Sheila from came to my rescue, she painted the faces and made the bodies to these raggedies. all I have do is put the hair on them and dress them. I love the faces. She is busy stuffing and sewing, and we are trading out in items. I can't thank you enough Sheila for these wonderful dolls. Check out her blog, she has some great patterns.

I am doing them in different colors, some will be holiday and the others will be everyday.

I still have a few bodies to get dressed yet. I am busy finishing up orders from the Country Sampler. Ernie Elf has sold quite well, the Christmas Stockings have done great. But I am ready to sew for my show.

Samantha will be selling her tarts, room sprays and some of the more country looking aprons at MacIntosh, on Oct. 22nd. She is going to have to really get busy, she is helping me on the 22nd, then she has a show the following weekend at Micanopy, then 2 weeks off then, her 2-day show in Moultrie, Georgia. She has a double booth there, don't know how she is going to get enough done. She has been so busy with the wedding.

Well, hopefully get some pics of my elf's posted tomorrow.


  1. The wedding photos are beautiful, life is returning to "normal", and the dogs are ready to go home. Sounds like happiness to me. -Steph-

  2. Those dolls are so cute...and what a wonderful thing for Shelia to do....What a sweet friend. Hope Samantha comes back feeling refreshed and ready to craft like mad!! Poor kitty!! ;o) Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  3. what sweeet friend !love the Annie's you are such a blessing of insperaton!

  4. Such cute Annie's. What pattern did she use?

  5. Saw your Raggedy Annie doll on Lavender Dreams blogsite, I loved it so much I had to come check out what else you had going on. You've got so much going on, I've enjoyed reading about your shows.
