Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Santas and Candy canes

I have been working on some of my #430 Mr. Jingles pattern this week. I made him a little different from last year. I put a bag in his arms, instead of the candy cane. It is amazing how different a look you can get, by using different wool for his beard. I had some dark red fleece, that I used for his coat. I have this pattern on the sidebar for a special price of $4.00 if you are interested.

My 3 Santa's waiting on Christmas to get here. I hope to make a bunch of Santa's this year with the dark reds and long white beards.

I made up some of more of my candy canes, I had a hard time finding the bigger plastic canes last year. Luckily I had bought a bunch of them, the year before. I had originally found the idea on She has the tutorial on there for wrapping the candy canes if you are interested. These sell really well for me every year.

Last year, I found a bunch of the skinny candy canes and wrapped them the same way. I added the candy cane poem, to the candy canes as a tag.

Here is the poem to go with the candy cane, it is in the download box all the way at the bottom of the page.

Only 2 more days to sign up for the giveaway. Check the post before this one for the link to enter. Samantha's giveaway end tomorrow night also. Click the button on the right side of my blog to check out Christmas in July and enter her giveaway.

Samantha and I are fixing to go do a little shopping. Hope you have a nice day and check back tomorrow.


  1. Oh my goodness!! What a pleasant surprise to open up your blog and find Christmas in July!!! Everything looks so beautiful and Christmasy!! Your Santas are just gorgeous and you've inspired me to look for my Christmas crafts and list some on Etsy. My poor shop has been so neglected so far this summer. :( Have a wonderful day!! : )

    ~ Wendy

  2. Love your Mr. Jingles and candy canes! Wonderful job!

  3. Those Santa's are so adorable and the canes too, almost puts me in the Christmas mood;)

  4. Hope your girls have a fun time shopping! Love your new Santa's and kicking myself for not picking up the 9 plastic candy canes at a TS last week!!!! Love yours!

  5. Sandy, the new version Santa is really cute and prim. I like your fatter candy canes. I like to cross them on a wreath for the doors at Xmas. I'm having trouble posting here, try my blog again cuz there a two giveaways from the Rusty Thimble and Bittersweet and Prim.
    Warmest Regards,
    Susan B.,Western MA

  6. I adore your Christmas look and the falling fun and it made me smile today. Dianntha

  7. Hi Sandy,love the new look of your Santa's. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas,you and your daughter are such an inspiration! Have a wonderful day and fun shopping! Hugs Mary

  8. All your creations are wonderful!
    Prim Blessings

  9. I love everything you do, just wonderful. Christmas is my favorite time of the year, but I really do not want to think about it yet. Thanks for the free pattern.
