You are Special Patterns

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fall items and Samantha's new pattern

I have been working on Fall stuff for the Country Sampler ad. I decided to do my Simple Pumpkins #450 and #445 Henry. Henry sold great last year. I made him up too late to go into the magazine last year. I always seem to wait till the last minute to get my product in for the magazine. So now I have to overnight it.I have almost got the new doll finished. so hopefully she will be ready in the next day or so.

Samantha's new pattern is called #206 Wash Day. It is a clothesline with prairie doll clothes, also includes a pillow. I love this one. She is also going to do a Christmas one this week. I have put it on the side bar to purchase if interest. Samantha is giving a free stitchery pattern (your choice) to anyone who joins her blog.

Just join her blog and email her your choice of stitchery pattern. We have both decided to do our Christmas in July this year. We will be having special patterns for blog members only. So be sure to join our blogs.

Still feeling pretty good today. I took my exercise bike outside today and rode about 1 1/2 miles. I am so out of shape. I was huffing and puffing. Both my legs cramped up. I really need to start exercising again. It was embarrassing. Hubby runs marathons and I can't even ride a half mile without stopping.

I guess I had better get back to sewing.


  1. Hi Friend! With all you have been through this last year, I think a half mile is a tremendous accomplishment! You are doing wonderful and there is no reason for you to be embarrassed...about anything!! Okay, I will stop getting after you now! lol! Seriously though, you are doing so good and don't get discouraged. You have come a long way...keep up the great work! The pumpkins and Henry are so cute! You are loved (and admired) by many! Donna

  2. Oh have been through so much girl that I'm thinking that even half a mile is awesome!! Congrats!! Love the pumpkins!


  3. Hey, what's a gal gotta do to get that new e-pattern doll! When you get back from your bike ride (LOL) I would love to have the pattern, sent my payment already..hee! I started riding that "bicycle to nowhere" yesterday too.. had to move some suff off of it as it became a junk rack for a while... trying to shed some pounds..UGH, so hard!Miley likes to sit on the seat of it but hasn't grasped the concept of peddling, but hey, she's a cat!

  4. I love the little prim clothes!! How are you feeling? Been praying for you!
