Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Feeling better today and Cleaning house finally

 Today was a good day, I felt almost like normal again.  I go for my chemo next week, so took advantage of today and starting cleaning my craft room and rearranging things.   I left my candlelight up and changed the picture to my crock print.  I bought this from the Country House years ago.  Filled my crock with bobbins

Next I brought out a little table I had purchased from Hobby lobby. On the top of the table, the design is a Chicken of course. I love geraniums, so I put my two arrangements on the table and stuck it in the corner in front of my cabinet.

I got the chicken boxes at Christmas from Todd and the Chicken from Carmen, so set them up in front of another cabinet of mine. thanks Carmen for the chicken. I love him.

I have had several ask what my sewing room looks like, this was my attempt to straighten today, at least I can get to the sewing machine now.  It is a lot better than it used to be.  So hoping I can work on it a little each day and make it usable.   I have a long 6 ft table set up with my sewing maching and some of my fabric on the back, standing in crates and laying on top. This is one room I hide whenever someone comes over, it is so embarassing to have someone look in there, it is a mess all the time.

Well almost time for bed. I have busy working on feedsacks this week. Must have sold over 30 over them. Alot of them Christmas designs.  The New ad is out in Country Sampler and have gotten a few orders from that.  Been helping Samantha finish up some new stitchery's, she does the stitching and I do the staining for her.  She will have a couple of new ones ready tomorrow. One is Hannah like the doll pattern of mine called Hannah's Christmas tree and the one is a Annie Angel.  Several more new ones will be ready soon. She will also have a few freebies on her site. Will post tomorrow of the new ones for her.


  1. Good Morning Sandy so glad to hear you had a good day, I love your work table, and your sweet displays you have. I see fancy, organized craft rooms displayed so pretty all the time online, but know from experience there is no such thing if it belongs to someone who creates all the time. My work area is always a mess. You are such an inspiration!!
    Hope you have sevarl more great days to come. Can't wait to see Samanathas new things

  2. Hi Sandy!!! I have a craft room that looks just like yours!!! Your pictures look beautiful! Hope you have a great day!!!

  3. Hi Sandy: I completely agree with true!! Glad you are feeling a bit better!!

  4. I am so glad you felt better!!! Your craft room looks like mine! I sew and paint and scrapbook so mine always looks like a tornado went through it. From time to time I straighten it up and then before you know it..its a mess again! I am NO Martha!


  5. Hi Sandy-
    I Love your displays...
    Glad to hear you had a good day!!!

  6. Glad to hear your feeling a bit better. Love your pictures. I think my craft room looks worse than yours. Have a great day!
    Prim Blessings! Robin

  7. It all looks so beautiful.. as usual. Wish I could zip on over for a visit and see it in person. And you are very welcome for the chicken, it is the least I could do and I love all my gifts you got me! And hey, I used to sleep in that messy sewing room of yours under all that junk all the time! Sometimes I would lose myself it was so full of stuff.. LOL! But I loved it, surrounded by your crafts and wonderful tart smells. That was my favorite room. Will see ya soon.. sooooo Glad you are feeling well and hope it lasts! You're getting a lot more done than me! I have no excuse for my laziness. Later.. meeeeeeee2

  8. Hi Sandy,
    What a lovely pictures! I say allways, by creatieve people there is no's full of ideas. I hope I write it good! I'm happy you are feel better. Enjoy en have a great day!
    (sorry, my englisch is very bad, but I try!
    Groet, Hennie

  9. Love the pictures Sandy! You have a great knack for decorating...looks wonderful!
    As for the sewing room...yours is sooooo organzied compared to mine! lol So I am sure you can only imagine my mess! :)
    Glad to hear you are feeling better!!

  10. Glad you are feeling better Sandy! Don't overdo though... Your decorating looks great. I have that very same crock picture. I got mine at a Thrift store quite a while ago. My craft room looks just like that too! I have to watch though as mine is all glass on the east and my fabric will fade if I don't keep it behind doors! Have a great day!

  11. Very happy to read this post. I am glad that you are able to get into your craft room. I always feel better when my creative juices are flowing.

  12. Love the crock with bobbins! It looks really good next to your crock print. I remember seeing the little chicken table at Hobby Lobby. I almost bought the cart with the same design.

    Girl, for as much as you create-- I'm surprised your craft room looks that good!! I don't think that's too messy. If one truly uses their craft room/area... there is no such thing as a tidy one, am I right?!
