Thursday, November 11, 2010

Van packed and ready to go

Well, we finally got the trailer packed full. We will leave tomorrow about 1:00 heading to Orlando. We will be in Oveido for Great Day in the Country Show. It is a one day show. There are 350 vendors. Hope it is a good one. Haven't been to this one yet.
I went for my followup appointment on Wednesday. They said I will hit my low point next week, I guess when I am in Savannah. Hubby is going to do the cash register and handle all the money. I will bag and keep the booth organized. Haven't felt real good the last day or so. So hope this weekend goes smoothly.
So if you are in the area, stop by and say Hi . My booth number is M313
I will try to get some pictures and let you all know how it goes on Sunday.


  1. Hi Sandy, Lots of luck at your shows! It sounds like things are picking up, so that is good! Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well! Still keeping you in my prayers! Take Care! Kim

  2. Good luck at your show! I know I wouldn't be able to pass you by, you would probably have to kick me out. I'm sorry your not feeling so well, try to get some rest when you can. Though your probably like me, you keep working until you pass out from exhaustion. I keep telling everyone I'll probably sleep a week once Christmas is over. Stay Safe, Melissa

  3. Good luck on your show Sandy, you are still in my prayers!!

  4. don't over do, have a blast! & sell out!my show is next weekend & I'm still looking at patterns thinking about clicking LOL why do we do it LOL

  5. Hello, new follower here! I read some of your past posts as well and are amazing! I think you get more accomplished than I do and all while braving your illness and chemo. You are an inspiration. I know what you mean about missing your Mom and still needing her. My Mom will be gone 1 year on December 10th and I still miss her every day. Take strength from your family and your fellow bloggers. You sound like you are doing great. ~~~Cathy~~~

  6. Its good to see you still plugging along Sandy even though you aren't feeling the best. Praying that you have a very successful show and that you sell out of everything.
    Blessings and prayers,

  7. Hope you stay feeling ok.. know its hard for you but you are truly amazing. Love all your prims and hope the show is the best ever......
    Wish I could be there. must be awesome??

  8. Good luck on your show! Judging from your merchandise I know you'll do fantastic. You are such an inspiration with all you do ...all the while enduring chemo and the lovely effects it brings. Looking forward to your next post. ~Mary

  9. I love the ball jar wax much are they?

  10. good luck tomorrow!! my friend Nikki from Couuntry Primitives in Winter Haven will have a booth there tomorrow,too. have fun and don't over do it enjoy!~!~!!

  11. Hope you felt ok during your show on Saturday. Your in my prayers. Prim Hugs.
