Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Getting ready for the show

I have been busy sorting through all my boxes getting read for my favorite show MacIntosh. It is a one day show, with lots of prims.   If you are in the area, please stop by, I managed to get a double booth this year and I am hoping to have it packed.  Samantha is busy making aprons, tarts and bagholders.  The worst part is we have to get up at 4:00 Saturday morning to go.  We usually have flashlight shoppers by 6:00 in the morning.  It is funny, you look out on the dark street and see a bunch of flashlights heading down the streets. Serious shoppers, before the crowds get too large. I managed to get some of my Annie Loves Christmas dolls done.  I didn't put the holly leaves and holly on them, cheated and just tied a bell with jute around them.  I have put the pattern on the side bar for a special price this week if you are interested.

Finished up some of these prairie dolls from a pattern by Angel and the Crow.  I love this doll, so simple and easy to make, no legs. I put some little bags that Yankee lane Primitives made. They look great in her hands.

Well Hubby surprised me on Saturday, by taking me to Hunsader Farms pumpkin festival down in Bradenton, Florida, it was about a 3 1/2 drive. He said he wanted to go somewhere since I was feeling better.  It was a nice day out, show wasn't that great. Less than a 100 craftsman, lots of activities for the kids and circus type acts, like a highwire act,  circus and free stuff for family to do.  I was thinking of checking this show out a possible for next year, but decided it wasn't for me.  There were a lot of people there with children, the food vendors were getting rich, but not sure about the crafters, that area was kind of deserted.
but here are some pics of the show.

This was my husbands favorite part, them shooting a pumpkin out of a cannon.  there was quite a crowd watching this.


  1. have fun at mcintosh. wish i was going this year. maybe next year.

  2. Looks like a fun show but agree with you about the crafters.. Have a good one..

  3. I love your Annie dolls...the Christmas dolls are my favorite! Hugs! ♥

  4. Glad to know you are doing better and I hope things continue that way for you. Love your crafts!
    Thanks for sharing these great pictures of your day away~

  5. Love the Annies - glad you are feeling better also!!

  6. Your Annie dolls are sweet but those Prairie dolls are wonderful. Great job on both of them. Have a good time at your show. Hope you sell out of everything.
    So glad to hear you are feeling better. Praying for even better days ahead for you.

  7. So happy that you are feeling better!!! :) You've been in my thoughts lately. I agree, those types of shows aren't great for the crafters. The activities are what draw the people in and they aren't there specifically for shopping. Hope you do great at the upcoming show!!!!
