Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sorry it has been so long, new items got finished this week

 I can't believe it has been a week since I last posted.  I have not been feeling well, had some test done, they are thinking I have lymphoma. My doctor assures me it is treatable.  Still have to do the biopsy to be absolutely certain.  But she said it seemed to be the slow moving kind, which was good news.  I finally had my mammogram done today, been putting it off.  Thank God it was good. I am going to make sure I follow up every year with that now.  My sister was diagnosed last year.   But I am going to try to get back on track now and get working. I had so many emails from customers and friends alike. I want to say thank you for your prayers and good wishes.

Crowing about  primitves is having another big wool sale, her link is on the side. She has long sheeps wool that I absolutely love. It is so hard to find long wool for my Santas.
I made some of my #445 Henry Scarecrow heads this week. I love this guy, he is so big and goofy looking. I now have my sewing machine on my  kitchen table. You can tell we don't ever eat on it. I seem to get more done when it is out in the middle of everything.  It is getting close to showtime, so I think it is time to not worry so much about keeping everything put up and work as much as I can.

Next I got some Lil' Raggedys done by the Craftholic's patterns. I love this little Raggedy. She is so easy and adorable to make.  Check out Sheilas patterns at :
Sheila is such a sweet person and has the best patterns. She helped me figure out the e-pattern thing. I was having problem with converting them and she gave me some very useful help.

I had bought this pattern last year and finally got around to making it. This one is the Olde Reindeer by Kentucky Primitives. This guy is so prim looking and these also make up fast.


  1. I am so glad everything with your mamogram is ok! I will continue prayers for you. I LOVE your scarecrow!!! He is adorable!!! Love all your work! And love Sheilas' patterns too! She is sweet. Take care and I will be checking back in on you!

  2. Thinking of you Sandy and so very glad the mammogram was fine! Always love your work and your generosity to your followers!

  3. Your Annie dolls are so cute! You give them the sweetest little dresses! Love all of your beautiful Fall things! ♥

  4. Of course we all want to be healthy, and it is scary when the doc says something like lymphoma. My husband was diagnosed in 2008, had great treatment in Chicago, and is great now. We learned a lot about the disease and how it changes your life forever during those six months. If you'd like to talk, just email me.

  5. Oh dear, I hope your doctor is wrong!
    I will be praying for you! I love
    your new items, you make just the best

    Bear Hugs~Karen

  6. Getting that kind of news from your doctor is scary, I'm glad your going to be just fine. Even feeling bad you got tons of prims done, I don't know how you do it. They all look amazing!

  7. Hi Sandy: I hope everything turns out okay for you...wonderful annies, reindeer and scarecrows! Would you be able to give price ranges on your items? I'd love to know what pieces go for. Do you ever sell your wares online too? thanks, Patti

  8. I am so glad you had a good mammogram report- I will keep you in my prayers!

  9. Love the little dolls and am going to hunt down some craft shows and then get busy when the move is over with.
    Sending positive thoughts your way and will keep you in our prayers for good health :)

  10. Can I have (and use) a copy of your reindeer picture? I love adding new ideas for folks to use my label designs.
