Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pattern Giveaway and stuff I have working on

Well, it is giveaway time again. This time I am giving away 10 patterns, your choice of pattern, you can either pick e-patterns or mailed.  Rules are you must be a member of my blog to enter. Just leave me a comment. Hubby will draw a name on Sunday. Have a couple of more ideas to get into pattern form, so hoping I get a chance to sew a lot in the next few days.  I have to go with Hubby tomorrow to get his colonoscopy, I am supposed to be getting one soon, dreading it. I thought I would see how he makes out then go from there.

I have been working hard on my Dolls, I finished 5 of the Smiling Goat Santa's this week. I love these, I make them every year and always sell out of them. I had found a bolt of plaid flannel at Walmart several years ago and saved it, but it worked perfectly on these guys. Kind of hate to use it, because I only paid about $2.00 a yard for the bolt.  I won't find that price again.

Had an order for my Annies Memories doll from the You are Special line, and made an extra one while I was at it. I changed the clothes to a brown plaid and going to put a feedsack in one of their arms. While I was searching through my fabric stash, I found an old feedsack and I made it into a pillow. Love it, may have to keep that one for myself.


  1. I love your patterns Sandy, so please sign me up!!! The Annie's are precious, but I absolutely love those Santa's.

  2. Wonderful Sanats and Annies!
    I can't believe how fast you work!
    Please sign me up for your giveaway.

  3. I love your santas!!! Pick me!!! :)
    Thank you for all the free patterns too! Your such a sweet heart! :)

  4. Sandy, please sign me up. Hope I can add some more of your patterns to the ones I already have. Yes, and thanks for the freebies!!! Love the snowmen in particular.
    Lois L.

  5. oh what a treat!!! i love your designs!! please throw my name in the hat!!

  6. I am a new follower to your blog but not new to your amazing designs! I would LOVE to win one of your patterns! Thanks!

  7. Hi Sandy,I love your patterns and Annies!!
    Groet, Hennie (from the Netherlands)

  8. Hi Sandy,
    I wish I had time to work as fast as you do. I especially love those Santas. Please enter me in your giveaway. I can never have enough of your patterns.

  9. Hi Sandy,
    Love the santas!! Please sign me up, I'm sure I can find a place for one more pattern. 8-)

  10. love the santa's I gave my Memories Annie to my neice, sure do miss her, so gotta get busy making some more!love the darker colors on your new ones

  11. Hi Sandy,
    Please sign me up. I'm always ready for a new pattern to make up.
    I love the Santas and the Memories Annie.
    He quilt pillow is nice too.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sorry I need to learn to spell!Love those Santas! Please enter me for the patterns! How generous! I just posted a scare crow stake I made using your wood head pattern on my blog! Check it out!

  14. You are amazing, you get so many things made up. You've been my best inspiration for awhile now. Keep creating those neat patterns.
    Blessings, Kathie G

  15. I love your patterns also, please sign me up for the giveaway. I love your Santas and Annies, they are precious!

  16. Oh please enter me for you patterns. Your creations are so great. You are so inspiring with all you do. I love your santas


  17. Hi Sandy,
    Same here, can't never have enough of your patterns. Love the Santas! Please enter my name on your give away. Thanks.

    All is Bright....

  18. I just love all your patterns. Can't wait
    to see the new ones. Thanks.

  19. Hi Sandy,
    Would love to win some more of your patterns. Please enter me in your drawing. Just love what you are making these days. Keep up the great work. It motivates me to keep sewing.

  20. Please sign me up for your pattern giveaway. Maybe it will inspire the sewing machine to make a reappearance out of the closet. Love your santas and annies.


  21. You have such a wonderful line of patterns. I love the winter ones. It would be great to win a Santa pattern. Please sign me up!

  22. Sandy~

    I would love a chance to win some of your patterns. I already own quite a few of them, but there is always room for more. I can't wait to see what you'll come up with next.

    Good luck to your hubby on his test. Mine just had the same test & said the prep before the test was the worst part of the test.

    Have a great day~Becky

  23. Hey girlie...YOU KNOW I WANT ENTERED!!!!...I love EVERYTHING you create!...have done a few of your patterns already...and they are so easy to follow..that is what makes them the BEST!...many of designers out there can design an item...but don't do so well with putting into a pattern.

    I always thought I was a follower...but, I didn't see my name...but I sure am now!

  24. What an exciting giveaway! I love your patterns and reading your blog keeps me inspired to work harder at creating things. Please enter me in your generous drawing :)

  25. OMG in my opinion, this is an awesome give-away. I love, love, love your patterns. Am working on several right now. Of all the give-aways I've seen--this is my favorite!!!!!

  26. Hi Sandy,
    Please enter me in your awsome giveaway. I love your patterns and have purchased quite a few through the years. Love the Santa's. I am a follower of your blogs.
    I am also having a fall giveaway on my blog at Go on over an see if you would like to be entered.

  27. Oh my...yes, yes, please enter fingers are crossed. Dianntha

  28. Hi Sandy, please enter me into your giveaway.
    I love your patterns! Can't wait to see what you are working on next. I love the Santa's and Annies.

  29. Morning Sandy,

    What a wonderful giveaway! Please sign me up for your drawing. I love your patterns! I find them so easy to follow and they always turn out great. Keep creating and blogging!

    Good luck to your hubby...he's luck to have you supporting him.


  30. hi Sandy!! Love your stuff and what an awesome giveaway!! Please enter me! Good luck to your hubby on his test. The prep is the only thing that sucks about that test. Been there done that...lots of times as colon cancer runs in our family.

  31. Wonderful new pieces and I love the old fabrics and feed sacks.


  32. Those Santa's are amazing!!
    Of course, all of your creations always are.

    I am a follower of your blog and I would love to be entered into your giveaway!!

    Thanks so much,

  33. good morning.I would luv to win some of your fabulous patterns,I have been a follower for quite some time and just adore seeing all the great stuff you make.thanks so much blessings michelle

  34. I would love to have may name added to your giveaway. I am a follower and enjoy seeing all the neat patterns you offer...especially with the holidays around the corner, they would come in handy!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Leslie Lemke

  35. Hi Sandy...
    Oh you have been busy!!! LOL
    Please enter me in your give away for the patterns.
    I am a follower of your blog.
    You are so talented.

  36. Hi, Please enter me in your give away. I love your patterns. I am working on one of them now. The prairie doll bag holder. Thank you for all of the free patterns also. Oh yeal I am a follower...Blessings Teresa

  37. Please add me to your giveaway also. I love the santas I'm so ready for fall and christmas. Love all your patterns :o)

  38. Please sign me up, I love everything you
    make! I don't know how you do it all!
    You are so talented!

    Bear Hugs~Karen

  39. Hi Sandy, please enter me in for the chance to win your sweet patterns. I am a big fan. I love your Santa's and Annie's. You do awesome work. Have a blessed day.

  40. please enter my name. i love your patterns. hope you have some annies at the show in november. denise[]

  41. Hi Sandy! Please enter me into your drawing. I love your patterns and am always inspired by anything new you create! Your blog is great!

    Good luck with the test for hubby. I've had those, and while they're no picnic, they are important.


  42. Please sign me up! Love your patterns! I'm ready to get started on the Santas even though it's 87 degrees out! Thanks for the give-away!

  43. Please enter me in your give away - I hope I win :-)

  44. woweeeee!!!! please enter me!! I love your patterns. I have made a few of your freebies. They are all soooo adorable!! Don't know how you get it all done so quickly. Are you sure you don't have elves working the night shift???? Thanks again and please pick mmmmeeeee!!!! thanks, kim
    the prim schoolmarm

  45. I ALWAYS look so forward to checking out your blog. Love you patterns and ideas. Please enter me in your contest!



  46. Yeah, I just signed up to follow your blog.
    Keep up the awesome work, it's inspiring to see all of your hard work come to life.

    Your designs are the best!!! Ü

  47. I just follow your blog, wonderful to see all those nice things you make, fantastic! I love the mouses in there beds,cute. I like the picture above your blog looks so old, greetings Gonda.

  48. Please include me in your terrific giveaway!
    take care

  49. I just love your blog & patterns. I amazed at your talent & hard work. It would be wonderful to win this giveaway! Thank You Chris

  50. Sandy,
    I love everything you make and I love your patterns!I already own several of them but I would love to have more!Please enter me in your pattern giveaway.You are so talented and I love your blog!
    Prim hugs,

  51. Sandy,
    I love all your patterns, so sign me up for this giveaway and I sure hope I win!!! Thank you so much for this opportunity.

  52. Sandy...what a generous giveaway! I'm always in awe with what you get done in a day! In my "head" i have all that i want to get accomplished but in reality, it never all gets done! :)

  53. Please do enter me, your work is awesome. I need a motivator to get crafting again, maybe winning some new patterns might kick start me. Thank you for being so generous with your free patterns and giveaways! It is appreciated far more than you know :)

    homespunhandcrafts at yahoo dot com

  54. Hi Sandy,
    I love your Santas & Raggedys.
    Please enter me in your give away.
    Good luck with the tests,
    Take care,
    Hugs Robyn xx

  55. Please sign me up also..I Love all of your patterns and would be nice to have some more new ones when we get moved...I am a follower and also have you in my blog roll for all to see and visit your blog and also shows every time you put a new post up. Keeping fingers crossed and hoping your DH picks the right name (mine) opps..sorry Ladies but I would like to win :)

  56. Please sigh me up. Your patterns are wonderful. Love the Santa's you made. It is easy to see why you sell out of them every year!

  57. Hi Sandy..Love your Santas and Raggedys. Its such a treat to to come to your blog and see how hard you have been working...motivates me everytime! Thank you for all your free each and everyone! Please enter me for your giveaway, would be a real pleasure to beable to add more of your patterns to my collection...with fingers and toes crossed..heres hoping!!

  58. Love those santas. Please enter me in your giveaway. I love your patterns, Valerie

  59. Love all your patterns Sandy and love reading your blog, you get so much done!! Hope hubbies test goes well...Hugx Jackie.

  60. I would LOVE to win your giveaway-I really like working with your patterns, you make things so simple to understand!! Thanks for all the freebies!

  61. Your giveaways are always amazing and so are your patterns! Please enter me! Thanks!

  62. Please enter me in your giveaway...I also thought I was a follower but like Char I couldn't find my name, but I am now. Love your patterns

  63. Sandy.
    Please sign us up for your giveaway. We love your patterns and are keeping our fingers crossed that we can add to our stash. Thanks for sharing your creative spirit.
    JT.@ heartlandprims

  64. I love your patterns, too! And your Santas and Annie dolls are all wonderful! Love your blog! ♥

  65. Hi Sandy, please add me to your list! I love your patterns too. They are just the cutest! Thanks so much!!

  66. Please throwmy name in for your give-away! Love your patterns. The Santas are way too cute! I really need to get busy working on some dolls too, for an upcoming craft show.

  67. I came across your website and blog not very long ago and purchased some of your delightful patterns and I just keep coming back to visit!!!....I would love to be in your giveaway, keep up the fabulous work.

  68. Those santas are adorable!!!!! Please include me in your drawing! You are always so generous with your giveaways!

  69. Hi... please enter me - love the santas

  70. Hi Sandy...would LOVE to win your free patterns...please enter me...thanks for all the free them...have a great week. hugzz

  71. I would love to be entered in your giveaway! I love all of your patterns! I am a follower.

  72. Hi Sandy, Please add my name to your drawing... Busy as a bess that's what you are...

  73. Love, love your patterns. Would love to win, please enter me...thanks...

  74. Hi Sandy,
    I just love your patterns, I have several of them but I would be thrilled to have some more so please include me in the draw.
    Thanks, Judy

  75. Oh, I hope that I'm not too late to sign up. If not, please enter me in your pattern always Sandy. I loove everything that you make!

  76. Hi Sandy,
    I love all of your patterns.Since I have bought so many and have room for more please sign me up for the give a way.
