Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Samantha is doing her first giveaway.  This is one of the apron bagholders she is making. These are so cute. I think I will be hinting around for her to make me one.  Please go over to her blog and enter to win at: .She is planning on making matching aprons to go with these. I think she did a great job on it. So please go on over and sign up for her blog and enter her contest.

Well today, I had some orders for tarts and of course, the ones  I needed, I was out of.  I made up some of my newest scents today.  The new scents were Weathered Crow, Fresh baked Bread , Cinnamon Bread and Oatmeal raisin Cookie. I had sensory overload today, started out smelling wonderful, then I couldn't smell anything.  So I went outside took a break, got in the pool and vacuumed it out. Then went back in the house and smelled like heaven. I think the Weathered Crow is going to be stronger than my Amish quilt.  Can't wait to try these, I am going to let them sit for a few days before I burn them.

Well, check back on my You are Special blog tomorrow night, I should have 2 new patterns ready. One I call Winter Magic is a snowman and the other is called Hannah's Christmas tree. 
Here are the pics for a sneak peak. Also will be a tutorial on those fingers, how to stuff.
Remember sign up for Samanthas giveaway and check back tomorrow for the new patterns.


  1. Hi Sandy,
    I love these 2 new patterns, you know I will have to get
    Good luck to your daughter too.
    I'm off to make some of your simple pumpkins & Henry scarecrow now.
    Take care,
    Hugs Robyn xx

  2. Hi Sandy,
    Good luck to Samantha. She's lucky to have someone as gifted as her Mom to teach her.
    I love the new patterns too. You haven't made one yet that I didn't like!

  3. my goodness I need some of that energy, price is no problem LOL LOL my 1st show is coming up in 48 days, that's like tomarrow! LOL LOL I love visiting you for you inspre me so!

  4. Cool patterns.. I ordered them from you, can't wait till you email me mine! Great job!

  5. I just love your site!!! I am not a talented crafter at all!! I just love to buy and enjoy!! I would be so interested in your new tarts, tho! Would this be something you would sell on-line? Please let me know!

  6. About your tarts....have you ever sold directions for how you make tarts? My sister does not sew, but I really think she would enjoy making tarts with me.
